Association between colon cancer and Selenium deficiency

Less people knows about Selenium very well.
When Selenium is deficient, it is known to cause heart disease.
Selenium intaking was dramatically recovered agaist heart disease.
Since then, selenium began to be used as a health food and pharmaceuticals.
At International journal of cancer in 2015,”when selenium is deficient, the colon cancer risk becomes higher, especially for women.”

As the bowel diseases are increasing all over the world,Selenium deficiency may increase too.( bowel diseases: ulcerlate colitis,crohn disease,colitic cancer)
Add to these,Selenium deficiency aggravates hepatitis,diabetes and kidny diseases too.

Colon cancer risk is higher on women.
Women might be weaker than men on immune function.
Let’s take a rich diet of Selenium like a sea foods,soy foods!
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