
Improving effects of Zinc,selenium and salidrosie on Prostate Cancer

He visited a local doctor’s office due to discomfort when urinating. He was subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer at the hospital and was treated with anti-cancer drugs from December 2012, but his PSA, a tumor marker for prostate cancer, hardly decreased at all. He was treated again with a different anti-cancer drug, but no improvement was observed, and his doctor was perplexed.
After that, he was not given any drugs for prostate cancer and stopped going to the hospital.
On a website, he read that zinc, selenium, and salidroside had cancer-suppressing effects.
In April 2013, he started taking Zinc,selenium and salidrosie, the combination of zinc, selenium and salidroside.
I stopped feeling subjective symptoms such as dysuria and painful urination about two months after using Zinc,selenium and salidrosie.
The doctor told me that the reason for the normalization was a “mystery.

Zinc and selenium were already reported to be decreased during prostate enlargement and prostate cancer, but there were no reports of Zinc,selenium and salidrosie improving prostate cancer.

Zinc,selenium and salidrosie improved tumor markers for prostate cancer

Zinc,selenium and salidrosie strongly suppressed reactive oxygen species and activated immunocompetence, which increased autoimmunity and worked to suppress cancer.
We speculate that two mechanisms were at work inhibition of cancer growth and metastasis and activation of immunocompetence.

ALFLAT® is the only one product containing
zinc, selenium, and salidroside※

※Salidroside is an alpine plant, classified as a crude drug

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