NASH(Non Alcoholic Steato Hepatitis) and minerals

What is NASH?

- It becomes hepatitis even in people do not drink alcohol.
- It is one of the causes of liver cancer. It offeten progresses to NASH from diabetes.

The visceral fat will increase along with the aging.
★Prevention of fatty liver;
Refrain from eating too much
Reduce the reactive oxygen

When it becomes to middle-aged and elderly, the visceral fat increases and becomes the risk of NASH and diabetes higher.

There is no silver bullet. Health management is required by the mineral
The visceral fat increases when female hormone decreases in middle-age passed.
It becomes the risk of NASH and diabetes higher.

It has been reported recently NASH is increasing rapidly in women.
★From middle-aged and older, the risk of NASH and diabetes become sharply higher

Let’s try self check on fatty liver!
Treatment and mineral deficiency in diabetes
Zinc, Selenium, Chromium required for the prevention and treatment of liver disease and diabetes
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