Zinc, Selenium, Salidroside(content of Rhodiola sacra) surpressing cancer growth / metastasis

Cancer cells are the result of a mistake program in which genes are damaged, and cell divisions continue to occur with the gene damaged.
However, humans have cancer suppressor genes that prevent cells from becoming cancerous, and p53 is the most famous tumor suppressor gene.
Mutations in p53 can make cancer cells grow, unfortunately. The ally of justice turns into a devil.The p53 mutation occurs in about 40% of all cancers.
Zinc, Selenium and Salidroside each interfere with the work of cancer cells
Taking these on a daily basis may reduce the risk of cancer growth and metastasis.
It does not kill cancer cells directly, but it should be considered as a preparation to stop cancer cells working.
Adding to it, glucose is the only energy source of cancer, a living environment that does not consume too much sugar or carbohydrates is also important.
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